The best stories start in the middle. /midˈlīf/ noun

A transformative time after 40 to reclaim your power, express your truth, make peace with the past, and become exactly who you’ve always wanted to be. 

Welcome to the next big chapter of your story.

Life after 40 often marks the beginning of a profound journey—a heart-and-soul quest to awaken deep inner truths and meaning. As a wellness guide specializing in midlife and conscious aging, my goal is to ensure these are your best years yet. We achieve this by rewriting old narratives and crafting new, empowering ones that create opportunities for growth and change. Whether you want to improve your health and relationships, pursue a creative passion, discover your purpose, or find the courage to live life on your own terms, I’m here to support and guide you every step of the way.

“No matter how difficult the past, you can always begin again.”

— Siddhartha Gautama

Hi, I’m Michael.

For nearly two decades, I’ve taught strategies that promote positive emotional health and demonstrate how a kinder, heart-centered lifestyle leads to genuine happiness.

However, I’m also human.

I’ve made many mistakes, stumbled and fallen (a lot), and learned firsthand that navigating midlife requires grit and, at times, asking for a little help…

Engage in meaningful conversations while enjoying the views of Midcoast Maine.

These environmental walk-and-talk sessions are now open to those living near Camden or Rockport, Maine.