“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” 


In light of recent personal and professional changes, I’ve created this page to address specific topics, such as my new last name and the revised direction of my work. It’s been an interesting few years, to say the least, as the pandemic and attending several retreats throughout New England and the Midwest paved the way for new beginnings. I will share more in future writing, but I hope these brief explanations help answer any questions.

Sedona, Arizona, April 2023

Why is my last name no longer Chase?  

Those familiar with my writing and speaking career are likely aware of my childhood and turbulent relationships with my father and grandfather. But what many do not know is that my grandfather’s name was James Chase. My father’s name was also James Chase. And my prior full name was Michael James Chase. So, it was finally time to let go. In other words, legally changing my name resulted from years of healing work and, in the end, cutting ties with a dark family history. While this might seem like a radical way to heal the past, it has been one of my life’s most freeing experiences.

Why is it now, Bodhi? 

Understandably, this has perplexed many people. And I get it—taking on a new name in your 50s can seem a little out there, especially when it’s not a traditional one. Bodhi (pronounced Boh·dee), a Sanskrit word that often translates as “awakening,” was given to me by my teacher during a retreat in Sedona, Arizona. Although she offered it as a replacement for my former name, it is also meant to be a creed. Therefore, because of Bodhi’s meaning, it becomes a personal statement, revealing my work’s intention and primary purpose: to help awaken the hearts and minds of everyone I meet.

Why the new direction of my work? 

Although my career has focused extensively on the power of kindness, I have been much more vocal about mental health in recent years. Conversations on emotional wellness are vital, especially when living in unstable times. As a result, my goal is to merge heart-focused practices (kinder living, mindfulness, compassion, etc) with resiliency strategies to help relieve the day-to-day stress we all face.

What has not changed…

Despite the updates I’ve shared here, some things will always stay the same: My work remains all-inclusive, carries a universal message of love, and aims to unite hearts and minds. Therefore, I have no interest in discussing anything that has the potential to divide us. Instead, my goal is to celebrate our remarkable similarities, sharing ideas on hope, healing, and how to turn this crazy world around. When we act from that place, consciously embracing our humanness, there are no limits to the good we can do and the positive changes we can make.

— Michael

For a more detailed bio and the history behind my work, please visit the Meet Michael” page.